Programme and Abstracts

Programme (to read the abstracts follow the links).

09:00             Registration and coffee/tea

09:30             Introduction

09:45             Keynote talks

Adrian Favell (University of Leeds), The Migration Equation in ‘Neo- Liberal’ Europe: Perspectives from the North and North-West

Michaela Benson (Goldsmiths, University of London), Thinking beyond freedom of movement: constellations of privilege in British emigration

11:15             Coffee/tea break

11:45             Session 1: The politics of mobility, belonging and classification

Simone Varriale (University of Warwick), Migration and the politics of classification: before and after Brexit

Russell King and Aija Lulle (University of Sussex), ‘Brexit’, Eastern Europeans and tactics of belonging

Chris Moreh, Derek McGhee and Athina Vlachantoni (University of Southampton), Should I stay or should I go? Opinions and strategies of EU citizens living in the UK in the context of the EU referendum

13:15             Buffet lunch

14:30            Session 2: Social citizenship and the EU Referendum

Josh Moran, Paul Bridgen and Traute Meyer (University of Southampton), Expense turns to investment: How the welfare state supports EU migrants’ economic achievements

Thanos Maroukis (University of Bath), Precarious labour markets, precarious social citizenship? Employment experiences and coping strategies of EU migrant agency workers in low pay sectors in England

Taulant Guma (Aberystwyth University), Making immigrants out of citizens: (re)contextualising everyday experiences of state welfare provision amongst EU migrants living in Glasgow

16:00             Closing remarks